Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's Not a Circle...?


I added my newest, most favoritest piece to the shop today!

I think I love it so much because: 1. It's a great combination of colors, and 2. It's not a circle! I'm trying to make less circular things without getting a jigsaw involved, and it's tricky. I found that illustration board is a good alternative to wood though. It's still tricky to shape, but it's a lot easier than wood because I can use my trusty X-acto knife. I wouldn't be able to function without that thing.

So I mentioned in my last post that I'm working on a custom order for a friend. I've since restarted that custom piece because... well... I'm a very impatient resiner. I like to use a lot of resin at once to speed up the process, and sometimes it ends up spilling all over the edges of whatever it is that I'm resining. Bad news, big time. Of my last batch of three things, the brooch above was the only thing that made it out alive. I'm hoping I'll learn my lesson eventually... 

In other, non-Etsy news, I invested in a killer black blazer (suit jacket, not giant SUV) the other day. It fits like a freakin' dream and I can dress it up or down, so I'll be getting a lot of mileage out of it. I wore it to an interview for a job that I'm fairly decently under-qualified for on Tuesday and I felt like I owned the place. Or something powerful-feeling like that. And I think it paid off, because they seemed to like me! (Let's hope they liked me enough to offer me a job, right?)

Enjoy your Thursday, and the new moon tonight! (Not a Twilight reference, there's an actual new moon tonight...)

- Christina

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